

January 10, 2010

20 Goals for Business Social Media Use

Think About Your Goals Before You Delve Into the Social Networks
By Chris Crum
I probably don't have to tell you that many businesses are still struggling with the concept of using social media. Many simply can't find a good reason to use it at all, and many more find themselves using it but struggling to validate that use. They can't find the ROI. They feel that too much time is being wasted. Basically, they're just using social networks because they feel like they're supposed to. They just want to keep up.

Many businesses are even banning social media from the workplace entirely. In fact, a great deal of our readers have expressed that they feel that social media doesn't belong in the workplace because employees are there to "work," not "goof off."
Well, that may be the case, and perhaps social media doesn't fit into your business at all, but considering your general business goals can help you decide whether or not there is a place for social media, and whether or not your employees can fit into that puzzle.
As social media enthusiast Chris Brogan told WebProNews in a recent interview, it's time to get over the touristy part of social media and start getting down to business.
He says it's not "Gee whiz, it's cool" anymore. It's "What are we gonna do with it?"
"Great you can type. Now what?" he says.
Here are some sample goals a business owner or manager might set for social media use. Once the goal is considered, then you can look at the tools that are out there and evaluate which ones will give you the best shot of achieving those goals.
20 Possible Goals
1. I'm a content provider, and I want to expand my reach.
2. I want my customers to be able to stay updated with news about my company.
3. I want to get to know my customers.
4. I want to promote my product.
5. I want to stay abreast of current news and trends.
6. I want to share my ideas with likeminded individuals.
7. I want to increase brand awareness.
8. I want to provide customer service and support easily.
9. I want to find a job.
10. I want to recruit.
11. I want people to like my brand.
12. I want to collaborate on business projects.
13. I want to directly sell a product.
14. I want to earn respect within my industry.
15. I am getting information overload, and I want to get organized.
16. I want to drive traffic to my site.
17. I want to attract advertisers and make money.
18. I want to get more involved with local prospects.
19. I want to get more involved with people on an international and global level.
20. I want to keep up with my competitors.
There are certainly more possible goals for business social media use out there. I've probably not even scratched the surface.

Original Post Here


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